Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Add a New Cable

The Cable Manager can be used to add new cable to already existing equipment. However, if a larger amount of cables need to be added it is recommended to use cable list import instead, since cable list import takes advantage of xDCS (change management tool).
  1. To add cable to connection that already has cables, select any cable, click Add Cable from ribbon menu.

    A new cable is added. Change the cable name as per requirement.

  2. Change the routing filter for new cable if needed.
  3. Change the cable type of new cable if needed.
  4. If new cable has different target ID, change target by clicking in the Object Target field and selecting new target in Routing.DGN file.
  5. For example select M5 in DGN file.

    The Target ID will be updated.

  6. The first terminal connection for M5 is automatically selected (MTR5) for the ID target, if a different terminal connection should be selected, use the pull down list for the ID target. Only available terminal connections (MTR5 and 01-TT-3112) for M5 are available for selection under ID target.
  7. Preview cable by selecting it in cable manager data grid and clicking on Visualize from ribbon menu

    Cable route is shown below.

  8. Notice that cable is not routed and displayed route represents shortest possible orthogonal distance between source and target. To route cable users can use either automated routing or manual routing procedures that are discussed in different sections.
  9. To add cable to a connection that does not have any cables yet, select a connection then click Add Cable from ribbon menu.
  10. Define the mandatory cable attributes like Cable Type, Routing Filter, Object source and Object target.